Our mission is to make sure that every person that enters the church feels welcome, comfortable and in a safe place. We are the first faces that parishioners, visitors see when they enter the church. Our congregation should always be greeted with a smile.
At Assumption, ushers are greeters who welcome participants, especially visitors, adn to encourgae their full adn active particiapatioin in the community of faith and the celebration of the Liturgy.
When ushers fulfill their rols as warm and cheerful greeters, the worship experience of all the faithful is enhanced.
Before Mass: Once Mass Begins:
- arrive at church 30 minutes before Mass starts - make sure all parishioners are seated
- make sure 'count sheet' is ready for use - allow parishioners to enter at the appropriate times
- make sure Lectors/Eucharistic Minsters are there - assisting persons needing help: seating, water, tissues, etc.
- baskets has been set-up for collection
- greet congregation warmly, making sure they find seating
- select two parishioners to take up the gifts
When Mass Ends:
- pass out Sunday Bulletins
- check pews adn remove items left on the seat
- make sure kneelers are up
- personal items found on the seat should be put in teh last draw in the cabinet in teh vestibule
- make sure door that leads to the hall is locked and the restrooms are empty