The distribution of the Precious Blood was suspended in the Archdiocese during the Covid-19 pandemic. This was to ensure that the reception of Holy Communion under the species of wine would not in itself present a danger.
The character of the pandemic has changed, and the concern that prompted this particular precaution nearly three years ago has diminished. So, having received advice from the Presbyteral Council and from medical experts, I have decided to remove the restriction on the distribution of the Precious Blood, effective Holy Thursday, 6 March 2023.
Individual pastors, administrators, and chaplains, after appropriate consultation with those they serve, are free to determine if this option is appropriate for their communities as well as what the appropriate timeframe for reintroducing the Precious Blood may be.
At the same time, it is my fervent desire that this year, at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, the Precious Blood be made available to communicants, who are always free to receive or not. However, the pastor or administrator or chaplain may also refrain from exercising this option if he prudently discerns that this cannot be done for a particular reason.
Our participation in the Mass appropriately culminates in our reception of Holy Communion if we are properly disposed; and fittingly, the reception of Holy Communion includes the reception of the Precious Blood. I am grateful that now, under God’s providence, we are all able to receive the Precious Blood once again, and I urge everyone to make use of this great gift in their own celebration and reception of the Most Holy Eucharist.
With every prayerful wish for a fruitful Lent, a joyful Easter, and a renewed life in the Eucharist year-round, I am