Brothers and Sisters! The celebration of Ash Wednesday begins the holy season of Lent. During the forty days of Lent the Church calls us to pray, fast and give alms. In this way we will prepare ourselves for the celebrations of Easter. These penitential practices are meant to help us to renew our relationship with the Lord and to open ourselves to the gift of his saving love. There will be two Masses celebrated at Assumption on Ash Wednesday: 12:10 PM Mass in English and 7:30 PM Bilingual Mass (English/Spanish). After each Mass there will be distribution of ashes. Let us not forget that this day is a day of abstaining from meat for those who are 14 years old or older and a day of fasting (one full meal plus two light meals) for those who are 18 and older but younger than 60. May this time be for all of us filled with God's grace.